Browse the team below and click the names to send an email directly to whoever you need!

Alison Cunningham OBE and Lesley Strathie MBE

County commissioners

In their role, Alison (right) and Lesley (left) are responsible for the smooth running of the county to ensure it continues to meet the evolving needs of all its members under the vision ‘a space for every girl’.

“We are always keen to hear about your adventures, whether at weekly meetings, online sessions or when you are away from home. If you have a story you would like us to hear just get in touch!” 

Hannah Cook

Assistant county commissioner

Since January 2024, Alison & Lesley have been supported by Hannah as Assistant county commissioner. Hannah supports the smooth running of the county by leading on PR, communications, learning and development, and young member voice.

“I am really excited to support the county is this new role, and would love to chat with girls and volunteers from across the county to help understand any needs we can support with!”

Alison and Lesley are supported by a talented network of division commisioners, advisers and other specialists.

Ann Booker

Division commissioner, Abbey

Responsible for Girlguiding in the Selby area and driving adventures and opportunities for Girlguiding.

Hannah Cook

Division commissioner, Tower

Responsible for supporting and empowering Girlguiding across Heworth, Heslington, Fulford, Stockton-on-the-Forest, Dunnington, Wheldrake and surrounding areas.

Katie Croft

Division commissioner, Priory

Supports and encourages Girlguiding district commissioners and other volunteers to deliver good guiding across Priory division.

Helen Feetenby and Emma Chester

Division commissioners, Manor

Team leads for our local Guiding area and a point of reference for volunteers to ensure the smooth running of Girlguiding across Manor division.

Alison Cunningham

Temporary division commissioner, Castle

Covering the areas served by the districts of Acaster and Towton.

Alison Wadsworth

County treasurer

Handles the income, expenditure and budgeting for the county, guided by the decisions of the executive committee.

Anne Sutton and Jeni Dealtry

County secretaries

Providing administrative support to NYS county commissioners and the county executive team, and undertaking ad-hoc tasks as directed.

Diane Harryman

County GO coordinator

Supports the county’s leaders and commissioners on GO related issues. I may not be able to answer every problem but can point volunteers in the right direction.

Sally Jackson

County outdoor activity adviser and Guiding development

Responsible for promoting all Girlguiding outdoor and adventure opportunities, including taking qualifications, providing advice and support where required.

Myra Puckrin

County Trefoil Guild chair

Acts as a link for the County Trefoil Guilds to actively support Girlguiding NYS whenever possible.


County PR lead adviser

Responsible for the promotion of Girlguiding NYS activities, communications, the county website and other marketing requirements.

Kate Broderick

County Peer Education coordinator

Responsible for liaising with leaders and peer educators to promote specific resources that peer educators have been trained to deliver.


County residential adviser

Supports volunteers who would like to gain their Going Away licence so they can offer girls exciting residential opportunities.

Alison and John Leadbetter

County walking advisers

Responsible for promoting and advising on walking adventures and available to provide training to leaders and girls that wish to take it up.

Katherine Watson

County Inspire coordinator

Support for members within our Girlguiding Inspire (18-30) community.

Carol Fenteman

County archery adviser

Assistance with archery activities.

David Harryman

County climbing adviser

Information and guidance on undertaking climbing activities with your Guiding units.

Laura Clark

County assistant outdoor adviser

Here to lend a hand to support and encourage you and your girls into outdoor activities.

Rachael Jordan

County international adviser

Supports volunteers and leaders attending international events.

Elizabeth Greenaway

County administrator

Supports members and the county executive team with a multitude of different tasks, including event bookings, trainings and newsletter distribution.


County archivist

Helps maintain the County Archive.

Laura Wells

County Ranger adviser

Supports volunteers and leaders working with Ranger units.

Chris Bulmer

County president

Supports the leaders in the county, acts as an ambassador for Girlguiding locally and provides advice when sought.

Georgina Pike

County Duke of Edinburgh adviser

Supports members who are working towards the Duke of Edinburgh scheme.

Beccy Winter

County youth forum lead volunteer

Provides support and guidance to our youth forum members, maintaining the link between young members and the county executive team.

Charlee Bennett and Charlotte Black

County inclusivity advisers

Provide practical advice and support on maintaining an inclusive environment for all girls and volunteers.

Read about Charlee here!

Hi! I’m Charlee. I’m a Learning Disability Nurse! I’ve been a Guider for the last 15 years on and off, with pauses whilst doing my nurse training. I’ve run brownie and guide units over this time. I have my indoor and outdoor licenses too. 

I have helped units support members to go away and achieve awards, but I’ve also been a sounding board when it has been needed.  

If you’ve seen the recent articles from Guiding about the accessible unit in South somewhere then I want to do that here eventually!

I’m happy to support with how to complete and implement the adjustment plans (although I flex them a little to meet member’s needs, because it’s about reasonable adjustments right!), creating safe spaces for members, supporting with mental illness related needs (because everyone has mental health!), supporting with members understanding of Learning Disability, Neurodifferences and mental illness (there are no silly questions!) 

Read about Charlotte here!

My name is Charlotte Black, I am a teacher at Hobmoor Oak School in York. The main area I can advise on is autism in children, and the issues and difficulties associated with the diagnosis. I can help with adjustment plans, coping strategies provide general advice and practical support to units and volunteers.

Peer Educators

Peer Education team

Young members who are specially trained to deliver fun and interactive sessions on important topics.

Please copy in the Peer Educator Coordinator into any correspondence with the Peer Education team.